Michel Bauwens Lecture and Round-table

The School of Architecture NTUA, GFOSS and Fab Lab Athens invite you at the open to the public conference of Michel Bauwens “On the Commnons” at the School of Architecture, Patission 42, Averov Building, the 29th of May at 19.00h.
Michel Bauwens (Thailand/Belgium) is the founder of the Foundation P2P alternatives which researches on peer production, governance, property and the open, free, participatory and commons-oriented modes of human cooperation, co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group. He teaches topics related to the anthropology of digital society at Payap University and Chiang Mai University. He is also the author of a number of on-line essays, including a seminal thesis ‘Peer to Peer and Human Evolution’ and ‘The Political Economy of Peer Production’.
After the lecture there will be a round table discussion with Petros Linardos, George Papanikolaou (P2P Foundation) and Prodromos Tsiavos (GFOSS) moderated by Dimitris Papalexoulos (School of Architecture).