Athens Fab Lab official

Fab Lab Athens counts with a big lab space open to professionals, students and researchers.
The Lab is open once every 2 weeks to the public seeking for offering access to the Fab Lab equipment and knowledge to all people interested.Fab Lab Athens has the following equipment, hosted at the School of Architecture of the NTUA

  1. 3d Printer Dimension SST 1200es / ABS
  2. 3d Printer Spectrum z510 ZCorp / Poweder
  3. Eurolazer XS – 610 / Lazer cutter
  4. Zund M-800 / 80 cm
  5. 3d scanners
  6. CNC Router YL1590
  7. CNC Hot wire machine
  8. CNC ISEL FLATCOM (1.25X1.04 m)