Fab Lab Athens Presentation@Fab8

Fab Lab Athens traveled to New Zealand to attend the Fab8.
Areti Markopoulou presented Fab Lab Athens at the Fab8 International Symposium and Forum of Fab Labs in Wellington in New Zealand.
Fab Lab Athens is a project hosted at the NTUA and partners with TEE, MyCity.me,GFOSS and P2P Foundation Greece.
The presentation included the Objectives of the Fab Lab Athens and the future activities and research focused on:
/3rd Industrial Revolution and crisis societies (new economic, social and educational models)
/Science fields of production,designing and communication (/Internet of Things,/Automated Construction/Real time Data/The Science of DIY,/Collective Innovation/Open Source Design and more)
/Creation of an Open Lab that is accessible to local people, professionals,researchers,students and to anybody interested in learning the uses and applications of digital fabrication technologies.